Status: UP
Deliverability Letter

Webflow Form Guide

Connecting a Webflow form to Bento is pretty easy and only takes a few minutes!

First, go into Bento and create a URL.

You can find this under Forms > HTML Forms.

Once there, tap the Webflow tab and you will see the URL. Customize the sidebar to your liking and once done copy the URL.

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Note: we've added a parameter to the URL called hardened=true. Leave this here as it will stop 99% of spam sign-ups that Webflow is particularly prone to suffer from.

Now you have your URL go back to Webflow and edit your site.

Drag a form component to your layout, select it, then add the URL.

Webflow Form Step 1

Also, make sure you have POST selected.

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Now that's all setup you can test it out and you should see events coming into Bento when they are submitted!

A few extra notes:

  1. You must have a field with the name 'email'. This is generally the default but make sure it's there like below: CleanShot 2023-06-28 at 15.13.01@2x
  2. Any custom fields you want to capture must have "fields_" appended to the name. For example, if you want to capture the users first_name do the following: CleanShot 2023-06-28 at 15.16.42@2x