Status: UP
Deliverability Letter

Weekly Roundup [Sept Week 3, 2022]: Just go with the Webflow

Thoughts by Scott Melzer • Customer Advocate Bento

Welcome to the Weekly Roundup for Week 3 of September.

Just a few QOL updates and then a fantastic new integration with Webflow this week. Check below for everything that happened on Update Lane.

09/20/2022 [Bug] Fixed sign-up and team-related "unauthorised" bugs.

__[Integration] Added more support for Webflow. __ All you need to do is add the Bento.js script into your tracking script area of Webflow and then rename your forms to bento-newsletter. This will fire off an event called WebflowSubmit which you can automate on. To get started, hit the gear icon on your site and select "Get your site script here". After that, just hit Webflow and follow the guide. Webflow Form Name

[Upgrade] Improved load times for the People graph and table.

[Upgrade] You can now query events and graph them over time.

See you next week.