Weekly Roundup [Sept Week 2, 2022]: Gimme that Raw HTML

Welcome to the Weekly Roundup for the 2nd week of September.
A lot of updates this week so let's just dive in and see what happened down on Update Lane.
[Upgrade] A new raw HTML editor experience is now available.
Do you ever feel like you want to dive into the guts of an email and edit away without all the bells and whistles of a nice GUI? Now you can! No-frills HTML editing is now available when crafting your next email.
[Upgrade] No Subject Line? No Problem!
Can't think of a great subject line for your next broadcast? Just hit the button in the subject box while editing your email and let our fancy computer brains come up with one for you.
[Enhancement] You can now clone Survey Forms with one click. Shoutout to @ivanfarias who requested this feature.
[Bug] Pushing up a fix where plain text previews sent or viewed in the preview window didn't always render Liquid in the signature.
09/13/2022 [Bug] The People page was erroring for a handful of users. Just pushed a patch.
__[Upgrade] Batches now build and send faster (10x improvement).
[Upgrade] Broadcast results now appear faster after completion due to the above refactor.__
[Improvement] You can now customize your unsubscribe page.
Now you can change the logo image, update the brand colors, and provide a way to redirect people to a specific URL (e.g., to show a sad puppy face and wish them well). Even people who want to leave deserve to be treated to a good experience. Hey, if it's nice enough, they might decide to stay.
09/14/2022 [New Feature] Imports can now trigger Workflows via tags. Simply change your tags column to tag_as_event, and each tag will be created as an event that will trigger automations.
09/16/2022 [Shoji Improvement] Improving hyperlinking text to make it easier for users.
Busy week of updates and improvements. Love it when Jesse gets out a bunch of updates that make our customers' lives easier.
See you next week.