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Quick Email Signature Examples

Thoughts by Jesse Hanley • Founder Bento

It's easy in the chaos of marketing to forget the basics.

One of those basics is just writing a solid email signature.

We are often lost on what to include in there, so we don't add anything other than our name and an opt-out link.

Kind Regards, 
Your Name
Click here to unsubscribe

Not very compelling, is it?

In addition to not being compelling, if your email is ever reviewed by a blocklist provider it's likely you'll get penalized for spam because it looks no different to a cold email which they dislike. It's also missing an address and clear links to our website's privacy policy which you must include in sends.

So, what should our footer look like?

Here is one that covers all the bases. It's trustworthy, detailed, and is clear to users ... but it's also devoid of personality so jazz it up a little.

Kind regards,
Your Name


This is a marketing email from {{ brand }}. You received it because you {{ insert_reason_here }}. Our head office is located at {{ address }}. If you do not want any more marketing emails, {{ visitor.unsubscribe_url | hyperlink: 'click here to unsubscribe' }}, or send an unsubscribe request to the address above. We process all unsubscribes instantly or within a few days getting the mail.

Your privacy is important to us. Please review {{ '' | hyperlink: 'Our Privacy Policy' }}.

To obtain information on how to contact {{ brand }}, visit the web at {{ '' | hyperlink: '' }}. If you have a privacy-related complaint, use our contact page above.

This email has been sent to {{ }} and is being sent from {{ }}.

{{ browser_url | hyperlink: 'Read Online' }}

The above one can be jazzed up and made fun, but if you want to go completely creative you can take a look at this one included by one of my favourite marketers Daniel Throssell:

😵 QUIT GAME (UNSUBSCRIBE) ▶️ Sick of these emails? Hate my personality? Can't stand my sense of humour? Honestly, me neither! Hit unsubscribe to stop receiving these emails. (Tip: If you're really angry at me, hit it hard. It probably won't make a difference, but it might help you calm down.)

🧢 NEW GAME ▶️ Did someone forward you this email? Thank them profusely, then start your own adventure at:

🏪 COPYMART ▶️ Unlock new and exciting items! Check out the full range of Persuasive Page copywriting training at:

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🧥 COSTUME ▶️ Gear up for adventure! Customise your character’s outfit with official Persuasive Page merch: (AiC subscribers get exclusive pricing on all items! Check your app for details)

❓ HELP! ▶️ App not working? Can't access something you bought? For technical, access or billing issues, contact with as much detail as you can, and we will help you out.

🙋‍♂️ #ASKDANIEL ▶️ Got a copywriting question for Daniel? Stuck in a sticky sitch with a client? Hit reply and #AskDaniel! I answer the best Qs in an email each Sunday.

📄 POST-GAME CREDITS & LEGAL ▶️ This email was sent by Daniel Throssell as director of Persuasive Page Pty Ltd. Copyright © 2024 Persuasive Page Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this email may be “swiped”/added to a swipe file, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from Persuasive Page Pty Ltd.

💌 SEND MAIL ▶️ Fan mail, death threats and gifts of expensive whisky can be dispatched via messenger kangaroo to:

Now that's more like it! Way more fun!

Your footer doesn't have to be boring, but at the very least it should be compliant and clear.

Take 30 minutes today and spice up all the authors in your account for better inboxing and less spam reports.